CBD Crew at Spannabis Barcelona 2015

CBD Crew had yet another great year at Spannabis, one of the biggest expos out there

regarding Cannabis culture!

We spoke to a lot of interesting people that shared their information and experiences

and also met a lot of new people seeking more knowledge.

Every year we notice that more and more people are coming to our stand with broader

knowledge about CBD/THC, so information is spreading fast.

So many people asked us about where to get THC/CBD rich cannabis oils for treatment

of friends and family, it’s sadly clear that the demand s big.

We hope to one day be able to help everybody that contacts us with cannabis oils for treatment,

but as of now we do not have the ability to do so due to the law.

We can only sell the seeds, the product people have to make themselves.

Which makes it even more important for people to start growing, making products

and store for the day somebody needs it. As cultivating takes time and time is often of the essence.



See our whole Facebook Album here :  Spannabis 2015!



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