CBD Therapy, the worlds first stable high CBD, low THC strain!

CBD Therapy, a game changer in cannabis medicine!


UPDATE: Our first batch of CBD Therapy sold out very fast. After a lot of great feedback from the growers, we came across a few phenos that has CBD over 1%. Never high THC, but over 1% never the less. In all our lab testing before the release, we never came across any of those phenos unfortunately.  So the new batch will be re-stabilized before released on the marked again                                                                           -CBD Crew



Since creating CBD Crew, we have always been asked for stable seeds with low THC, especially for the epileptic children.  Much of this due to the low THC pheno of Cannatonic, AC/DC and Charlotte’s Web that are quite popular in the US as cuttings and has helped many over the last years..

But as everybody that has been on the search for these clones know, those are few and far between. And getting a hold of a safe clone of any of these, is not easy for most people. Especially if you don’t live in America. We have even been contacted by people that have encountered clones they thought was low THC high CBD, to get them tested and fining out it’s just normal pure THC clones. Unfortunately not everybody in this business are honest.  So we took the demand seriously and started to stabilize low THC high CBD seeds and the result is now finally here, CBD Therapy. 

Now people can easily order the seeds and grow themselves!

( if you see seeds of AC/DC and/or Charlottes web for sale, it’s a scam, they do not exist in seed form. ) 

Here are some general lab results of CBD Therapy


CBD TherapyCUT GIMP for web page


This strain is aimed at mostly treating children with epilepsy, autism and other illnesses.

But due to the high CBD content, it will also aid most people with inflammatory illnesses, Cronh’s, fibromyalgia, MS and aid with anxiety/depression/PTSD for those that don’t want or can’t handle a high THC.


We are very exited to hear back form all the growers and users after they have had the chance to try our CBD Therapy!


THERAPY 2015 wa




52 Responses to “CBD Therapy, the worlds first stable high CBD, low THC strain!”

    • CBD Crew

      Hi! We do not ship to private people, you have to use an online dealer or a grow shop. You can find many shops selling our seeds on the SeedShops & Partners section here on our web page, but I don’t know which ones ship to Australia.

  1. Key Grove

    This is absolutely fantastic! Thank you!!!! Is this really a strain that can be smoked without getting high but with all the health benefits of cannabis?

    • CBD Crew

      Hi, if you smoke it, it will have some effect. But not like a “normal” cannabis strain, a lot more calmer 🙂

  2. Femenio

    Let me tell you this is a monster strain to grow, big buds buy except for bud rot for the COLA are so big.

    • CBD Crew

      Hi, soon we will be selling full plant CBD extracts that might be of great help to you. Send us a mail in a couple of weeks at [email protected] or contact us trough FB and we will try to help you 🙂

  3. johnsmith

    BUMMERS! Super disappointed:( sadly I amVERY UNIMPRESSED very unimpressed with both with the flavor or the pain killing properties unfortunately. Sorry

    • CBD Crew

      Hello John.
      CBD Therapy is not a pain killing strain, as it has very little THC. I am not sure how you medicated, and what type of pain you are dealing with, so I am not sure how to help you. If you send us a mail or contact us trough FaceBook, I can guide you to a more effective way of utilizing the plant to try to reduce pain. Smoking CBD Therapy for severe pain, I would not recommend as a treatment. It would have to be eaten or taken orally in oil form , to have an anti inflammatory effect that would remove pain, it that was the cause of the pain. Send us a mail and we can help more accurately 🙂

  4. VicTron

    CBD Therapy seeds are sold out everywhere I have looked online.
    Can we expect near future availability?

    • CBD Crew

      Yes unfortunately it’s sold out most places, look trough our SeedShop page here on our web page and see if any have more left.
      We are producing more seeds now, the should be available april/may if everything goes as planned.
      Just never buy from a page called CanadianHempCo, it’s a scam.

  5. Chris

    Looking for a cbd oil with the lowest thc. I use cbd oil with no thc. I’m in texas btw. Also it’s for my ms , with depression and anxiety thanks

  6. Bart M

    How can i get a clone
    I’m in my 10th year of fighting back with MS

    • CBD Crew

      I don’t know where in the world you are located. If you are in the US, or Austria, maybe somebody is selling clones. If not, you can always buy seeds to grow 🙂

  7. Jacqueline M Emery

    Cannot find acdc seeds anywhere. When will you have some available? Please contact asap…

  8. Joan

    Hi you can imagine how i’m feeling finding out that there is cbd dominante seeds, i would love to buy them but i live in Argentina, can you help me out on knowing how i can find a way yo buy these seeds?

  9. Daniel

    Hi CBD Crew, I’m just wondering when your new seeds of CBD Therapy will be available. Thank you in advance.

  10. TGD

    Got 5 Seeds (therapy) in Amsterdam and sadly only 1 made it, it seems like the strain is less resistance to everything. The first seed was growing fine, but it was a freak 🙂 it hat 3 leaves and stopped growing when it was 2 inches and then died. 3 others did not grow, The seedlings where puny and did not survived.
    The last seed however where more robust, 2 days in wet paper towel and it was ready. Then it got a pest problem som small white creatures began eating the leaves, but some eco pesticide save the plant.
    But some positive came out it I have cloned from the lone survivor with succes all clones survived, and so with the clones from the clone – clones in coconut choir and bubbleponic to keep them hydrated.
    My setup is a well ventilated basement, LED light uva/b and good color spectrum, with auto jack strain and Pandora I get high yield of sticky icky.

    • CBD Crew

      Oi, you must have been very unlucky, that is not normal. Did you get the seeds in original package from us?
      Glad you saved one you could work with, and hope it came out helping somebody.
      -CBD Crew

    • CBD Crew

      Yes, but you have to go trough one of the shops on our page; SeedShops, you will find several that sell our seeds.
      _CBD Crew

  11. Jenise

    Hi! I’m looking forward to purchasing some CBD therapy seeds. Do you know when the next batch will be on the market? Thanks

  12. Arturo

    Hi! I’m looking forward to purchasing some CBD therapy seeds. Do you know when the next batch will be on the market?

  13. Rob Miles

    Hey CBD crew, how’s the CBD therapy coming? Looking for some seeds. Thanks

  14. Telin

    Hello! Looking forward to getting some of your cbd therapy but wondering where I can purchase. I’m in California …

  15. Tim Kredlo

    Looking for something to replace my ‘lost’ ACDC line. VERY important for my great-granddaughter’s quality of life. She has 2-3 episodes per week, each lasting 8-12 hours of continuous screaming. When available, I will contact a local dispensary and have them order. Thanks in advance.

    • CBD Crew

      Hello! SO sorry to hear, if you are looking for seeds, we hope to have more in shops soon. If you are looking for products from our genetics, check out CBD Shifa Oils. Glad you found something that helps aid her, so sad situation.

  16. John


    I wanted to ask you if there are any CBD Therapy seeds available and where could I find them?
    Are you in the making of any new strains with even lower thc levels?

    Thank you. All the best

    • CBD Crew

      We hope to finally have more seeds out by July 2018.
      For now that is as low as we can go, as we use only cannabis and no hemp in our genetics.
      But hopefully we will able to cross even lower ones in the future.
      -CBD Crew

  17. Melody Naha-Mendoza

    Is there any chance you might have clones ready for sale??? I have severe fibromyalgia and chronic pain and ACDC as well as Charlottes web are the only strains that help

    • CBD Crew

      We are located in Spain and can not produce clones for sale I’m afraid. Glad to hear you get help from CBD rich cannabis plants. Do remember that both AC/DC and CW are not for sale in seeds, just clones. ( selected phenos form other plants. AC/DC is a special pheno of Cannatonic and CW they kept a secret ) I know there are some pages out there that are trying to scam people with these strains.

  18. David

    I got 10 seeds from you about a year ago. 8 sprouted. The best pheno tested @ 13.8 CBD and .5 THC. Looking forward to getting seeds from your latest batch. Thank you.

    • CBD Crew

      Sad o hear two did not sprout, but glad to hear you found a great pheno!
      Soon we will have new seeds out on the market.
      CBD Crew

  19. gail

    i am from canada and i am looking for high strains of cbd oil low thc. . I was so interested in your site but realized you only sell seeds. I was wondering is there a excellent quality canadian company that sells the oil that you would recommend? i am dealing with cancer and want another approach. I have been on many canadian sites but not sure what ones to trust.Thank you.

  20. Pam Nelson


    I live in the United States. The state in which I live has just passed a law making it legal to grow High CBD varieties. I am trying to find the AC/DC strain to start growing. As a nurse, this is the only strain I have found that helps with my 12 year old daughters migraines. Naturally I wanted to start with this strain. I know there is a lot of places that claim to sell AC/DC in the U.S., but looking at the genetics and chemical profiles of the plants it is not AC/DC as the CBD is to low and THC levels are way to high. Could you suggest a reputable place to get AC/DC to use as a starter mother plant. Thank You very much for your time.

    Pam Nelson

    • CBD Crew

      Hello Pam!
      Yes unfortunately we have spoken to many over the years that have been sold a clone of AC/DC and when they get them tested it’s a normal high THC plant even. Very sad. As AC/DC is just a selected clone, it’s impossible to buy it in seeds, but our CBD Therapy is as close as you get regarding low THC in every seed. We have been sold out for a while due to a much higher demand than we had foreseen, but plan to have new seeds out very soon now.
      with love
      CBD Crew

  21. Larry Leschyshyn

    I was on your site looking for ACDC seeds and while reading the whole site I found out that ACDC was sold only in clones. Is there a reputable company that you can give me the address or website that sells clones. Could you notify me when you have CBD therapy seeds available as I would like to purchase some for my pain as I have a license here in Canada to grow for my own use. Please notify me as soon as possible.

    • CBD Crew

      hello! Yes, getting even clones of ACDC can be risky, as many just get normal high THC clones. So if you find any, be sure they provide lab and are accountable for the results. We now have CBD Therapy in stock and should be in most online shops 🙂


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