Alzheimer & Cannabis, could there be a solution?

Alzheimer and cannabis has been talked about for a long time now, since people who smoke regularly seem to almost never get Alzheimer. And lately there have been published more and more studies on the topic. TruthoOnPot is promoting several studies related to Alzheimer and cannabis now, and it seem to be very exiting findings. Also on the topic of cannabis restoring the brain on animals, is really amazing findings and if can be applied to other brain injuries, the possibilities could be endless and an incredible breakthrough in medical history.


Clumps of protein known as beta-amyloid plaque are a key trait of Alzheimer’s and contribute to the progression and symptoms of the disease. New evidence points to a unique role of marijuana in removing this plaque from the brain.

Researchers at the Roskamp Institute in Florida have shown for the first time how cannabinoids – the active chemicals in marijuana – are able to reduce the build-up of a key indicator of Alzheimer’s disease.

For long, scientists have linked the loss of cell and brain tissue in Alzheimer’s to abnormal structures called beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaque. Levels of plaque in a patient’s brain can even predict the severity of symptoms and tissue damage suffered.

While this study was the first to identify this unique function of cannabinoids, it confirms the results of prior research linking the chemicals to a reduction in both plaque levels and Alzheimer’s symptoms. What’s more, others suggest cannabinoids have a variety of effects that could be helpful in treating the disorder.



“…mice with Alzheimer’s experienced dramatic improvements in memory after treatment with cannabidiol (CBD).”


Alzheimer’s disease continues to be a leading cause of disability among the growing population of seniors. Without a breakthrough in treatment, the number of Alzheimer’s cases are expected to triple over the next 50 years.

We are wet exited to see the future of this research and will keep you posted. You can also follow TruthOnPot for current cannabis news.

Read the whole story here at

Link to the actual study here!


5 Responses to “Alzheimer & Cannabis, could there be a solution?”

  1. Deanna Hofsteen

    Where do I start? I don’t know the first thing about growing or purchasing. We are looking for CBD 100% to help with memory loss.

    • admin

      Unfortunately there are no natural 100% cbd strains of cannabis available. There will always be traces of THC, it also helps the CBD working as it should. As of our strains, we do have two that have higher CBD than THC most of the time, CBD Mango and CBD Medi Haze. We do not have product available, only the seeds. I don’t know where you are located, so I can’t really help you on where to get any product, but you can find our seeds online for sale. But if you can get a hold of any type of cannabis at the moment, ask t he young once in the family, they are often more informed that the older generation when it comes to this. If you can get a hold of any type of cannabis, do send us a mail and ask for the capsule recipe, it’s a mild form for treatment that you can easily make at home safe. Best of luck!

  2. susie

    There is a high cbd strain low thc strain called Charlotte s web in colorado

    • GaiaGirls

      That is a clone stain, not found in stable seeds. If you are looking for a very low THC stain, the best way is to grow out and select a pheno like t hat from Cannatonic seeds from ResinSeeds. AC/DC is a Cannatonic pheno 🙂 Other than that our CBD MediHaze and CBD MangoHaze often come out with a lot higher CBD than THC, you can see trough all our lab results on the LabResult page here 🙂


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