Juicing Cannabis, so many possibilities!

Juicing Cannabis, yet a way to utilize cannabis for healing.

Dr.William Courtney has been a great help with testing the effects of CBD and has offered a lot of information from his work. This is an old story, but if you have not seen it yet, it’s always good with some knowledge.

Here we meet Dr.William C & Kirsten, who has struggled for a long time and had a cocktail of medications on a daily basis. Now she has found great relief from juicing raw cannabis. Her is her story.


Here you can check out Dr:William Courtneys web page as well.



2 Responses to “Juicing Cannabis, so many possibilities!”

  1. Christine

    Thank you for making this video. Your story is my story. Listening to you was like hearing my own story through your lips. In 1982 during active duty in the USNavy, I was doused with jet fuel. It came up from under me, hit the belly of the jet before raining down on me. Over the years I’ve developed two cancers and a host of autoimmune disease, RA, IC, SLE, Graves, Celiac, sarcoidosis, endometriosis, IBS, and the list goes on and on. Last year an infection took my life and only cpr brought me back with 10 broken ribs just prior to my 3rd breast reconstruction surgery in 2 weeks. Yesterday I had an upper GI Ultrasound to try to pinpoint an issue I’m having with my pancreas, meanwhile my labs for liver, kidney, iron, CO2, wbc, rbc, mcv, mch, ALT, ALC are all out of wack. I’ve spent more than 30 years fighting the good fight through western medicine and all I’ve managed so far is to treat symptoms and slow progression. In fact all of the medicines you mentioned and more have been on my long list of Rx’s. At the end of the day marijuana was the ONLY drug that offered relief, improved quality of life, improved cognitive function and relief from the nausea and vomiting I face daily.
    I’m frustrated. I’m done going down the rabbit hole where the mad hatter wear’s a white coat. I’m over it. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’m angry that even with all the evidence which exists today regarding it’s truly miraculous properties, prejudice still exists, laws prohibiting use still exists. Where is the compassion?

    I’m trying to find the link to purchase seeds, could you provide it for me please. Also, do you sell the juice? If not do you know where I might find it?
    Again, thank you so much for posting this video. I’m glad it helped you and I hope to have the same outcome. Best to you


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