Cannabis and Spinal Cord Injuries, could cannabis really be the solution for those with chronic pain and/or spasms? At least we owe them to be able to try cannabis as a treatment, an opportunity to a different approach on pain … Continued
Getting rid of bugs? Here are some homemade organic recipes!
Getting rid of bugs? We always urge people to grow as organic as possible to get a clean healthy product, but sometimes bugs can force you to bring out the chemicals. So before it goes to far and the … Continued
what happens in your body when you use Cannabis
The many transformations of cannabis.
Explaining how cannabis battles cancer cells and strengthens the healthy cells surrounding them.
10 Major Health Benefits of Cannabis
Epilepsy Studies.
Will there soon be human test subjects for medical cannabis?
Well we hope so, since we already have heard back form many undocumented “test subjects” that cannabis actually works! In a new story form LeafScience they tell us that the trials for breast and brain cancer are ready to start … Continued