CBD Crew have now obtained a license to export seeds to licensed medical growers in Canada. If you have a medical grow and have any questions regarding our genetics or how to obtain seeds, please contact us at [email protected]
The many faces of medical cannabis users!
Today cannabis users has many faces, maybe even you are one of them. The stereotype of the typical “stoner” being the only one using cannabis has been very misleading and social media has now given people the opportunity to … Continued
CBD Crew just joined Twitter ( yes, we know we are late… )
CBD Crew is now on Twitter as well. After experiencing people making profiles and posing as us we thought it be better if we actually had an account, so people could follow and share with the actual CBD Crew. If … Continued
CBD Crew grow rapports form Trichome World!
The great crew at Trichome World are doing a great job test growing all kinds of strains and making online rapports. We are happy to see that the CBD Crew collection as been represented. Thanks for the good work Trichome … Continued
CBD-Rich Cannabis versus Single-Molecule CBD, by ProjectCBD.
There is a lot of confusion about the different CBD extracts out there and the effectiveness of extracting just a single molecule. Here is a release on the matter from ProjectCBD: A groundbreaking study from Israel has documented the … Continued
Tonight, the premiere of Project Storm, the documentary!
Tonight is the premiere of Project Storm, the documentary. We are very exited to finally be able to see the results, as we still don’t know what to expect. But we hope for the best! BudBuddiesUK, Jeff Ditchfield and his … Continued
Some info about Cannabinoids and the Endocannabinoid system!
We believe that the Endocannabinoid System has been around for over 500-600 million years. That is a long time! It is a central regulatory system that affects a wide range of biological processes in our bodies. We know of two … Continued
CBD Crew office opened!
We just moved in to a new office and we are glad to be more available for the public! If you have any questions about how to utilize cannabis as a healing agent or need to buy seeds, you … Continued
Cannabis and anxiety, studies support cannabis as treatment.
Anxiety disorders, it’s more common than we think. A bit of anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at times. We all feel anxious, or nervous, when faced with a problem at work or at home, before taking … Continued
CBD Crew are going to ExpoGrow in Irun, Spain! (Basque Country)
CBD Crew will be in Irun from 12-14 September at the annual ExpoGrow Cannabis Expo! We met lots of great people last year, hope everybody stops by the stand for a chat again this year. And for those visiting the … Continued