First human study on the effects of THC/CBD cannabis treatment on braintumors starting in 2015.

This year the first human study on the effects of cannabis treatment on brain tumors is starting in Spain!

It is very exiting times as 30-40 brain tumor patients ( glioma ) will start getting a high CBD/THC cannabis treatment and be followed up by some of the best doctors and researchers on this field. We at CBD Crew are proud to be a part of this with the rest of the cannabis community that has raised all the money needed for starting this study.


A very special thanks to the Medical Cannabis Bike Tour foundation for organizing this great initiative and biking all over Europe to promote awareness!  Beautiful people indeed.


Thanks to your contribution, the Medical Cannabis Bike Tour foundation is funding a groundbreaking clinical trial in 2015, with cannabinoids being used as a first line therapy in the treatment of 30-40 brain cancer patients in Spanish hospitals.

This trial will be the first of its kind in the world and, we expect to make history.


“After much preparation work over the past few months, the program for the clinical trials was announced at the press conference.

It will involve the first line therapy treatment of 30 – 40 brain cancer (glioma) patients based in a number of Spanish hospitals. The trials will use cannabinoids in combination with other cancer agents. The program (expected to be completed in 2016) is estimated to cost 280,000€.

The trials are the result of years of scientific research by the team at Complutense University. Their research shows that cannabinoids prevent the spread of tumors and have the potential to kill cancer cells in non-human models.

Bike Tour founders, Luc Krol and Matej Munej, handed over a check to research scientist Dr Guillermo Velasco from the Madrid Complutense University and Dr Juan Manuel Sepúlveda, investigator of GEINO, the Spanish Neuroncology Investigation Group.”

Read more HERE.




We are also very exited since we hear that our genetics will be used for this trail.


The Cannabis omunity are this year also continuing to raise the rest of the money, 180 000 euros to complete the studies.

So if you or your company want to contribute, do contact Medical Cannabis Bike Tour foundation, and together we can make a big difference!!

Do give Medical Cannabis Bike Tour foundation a Like on Facebook or follow their Homepage for more updates!





2 Responses to “First human study on the effects of THC/CBD cannabis treatment on braintumors starting in 2015.”

  1. grade3glioma

    Good to see this start but i will not live long enough to see the results.

    toomuch stress for cancer patents t9 grow weed at home plus hide it from the fuzz etc…

    if its not bad enoughknowing your goi g to die at any minute its even harder knowing you could loose your home job and freedom just to try and stop the pain.

    • CBD Crew

      It’s a tough choice to take with all the fuzz and stigma that is still attached. We totally understand and find it horrific that the police would go after people suffering with chronic illness. We are so lucky to be located in Cataluña, Spain, where we have lot of cannabis social clubs that you can legally obtain cannabis and make your own medicine. But few are that lucky. I recommend maybe taking a look at for inspiration and stories from people that have used different alternative methods of diet & supplements to get rid of their illnesses. Lots of love


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