Cannabinoids Promote Healthy Placental Development & Positive Pregnancy Outcomes

A new study published this month by the journal Reproduction, and published online by the National Institute of Health, has found exciting new evidence to suggest that proper cannabinoid signalling can lead to health placental development during pregnancy, and an overall good pregnancy outcome. Proper signaling should be done by the body itself, so make sure your endocannabinoid system is activated and running smoothly.

There has been a lot of feat that cannabis might damage the brain or lead to late development etc.of children, but there have still not been any serious study to back up these claims. More studies has to be done. On the other hand both mothers and children using cannabis as medicine seem to be just fine, and sometimes even better.  So if you need medication during your pregnancy, maybe cannabis would be the healthier solution compared to some of the other alternatives. Always smart to do some research, before making a decision.


Therefore, this study supports the importance of cannabinoid signalling during cytotrophoblast cell turnover and that its deregulation may be implicated in altered placental development pregnancy outcome.


Read the story at JointBlog here!

The actual study from the US National Library of Medicine


Cannabis & schizophrenia, how linked are they really?

Cannabis and madness, yes we heard the link to many times. And when you are somewhat educated about cannabis, well it gets old and you would wish people were less misled. It´s sad that some don´t dare to try cannabis for healing due to old myths and stigmas.



It really started  with all the propaganda movies and seem to really have stuck for decades. Yet there are no studies that concluded so.  Sweet innocent teenagers lured, crazy jazz musicians and stone clod murderers with one thing common, marijuana and destruction.  Luckily we are documenting a different story now and we actually have science behind it, not just fear and propaganda.


They already did studies on PTSD and depression with beneficial results and now a study from Harvard University have looked in to the schizophrenia myth.

Their latest study, published last week in the journal Schizophrenia Research, adds support to the role of genetic factors in schizophrenia, and that marijuana use alone does not increase the risk of developing the disorder.



“In summary, we conclude that cannabis does not cause psychosis by itself. In genetically vulnerable individuals, while cannabis may modify the illness onset, severity and outcome, there is no evidence from this study that it can cause the psychosis.”



Not only did Dr. DeLisi and her team to conclude that cannabis “is unlikely to be the cause of illness” they also found that Indeed, although THC is known to have psychosis-like effects, there is growing evidence that CBD can counter the effects of THC. And  that CBD may even be useful as a treatment for schizophrenia. So lets hope they do a study on schizophrenia and give CBD a chance.

When dealing with these problems, we always advise people to find a mild CBD rich Indica, and try to use ingest it for a different benefit that what you would experience from just smoking it. Many people don’t want the effect of feeling stoned, for them capsules, tinctures or edibles with small but effective amounts, could maybe help a lot. Lets hope we see some successful studies appear soon! If you have any personal experience, do let us know.


Read the whole story here at Leaf Science


Will there soon be human test subjects for medical cannabis?

Well we hope so, since we already have heard back form many undocumented “test subjects” that cannabis actually works!

In a new story form LeafScience they tell us that the trials for breast and brain cancer are ready to start but they are still trying to raise the money for the trials. Dr. Sean McAllister, of the California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC), has spent nearly a decade studying the effects of cannabidiol (CBD)  – a chemical found in marijuana – on aggressive types of breast and brain cancer.



Another of his studies, this time in glioblastoma cell cultures, found that CBD and THC could work together to achieve an even greater effect, concluding that “the addition of cannabidiol to Delta(9)-THC may improve the overall effectiveness of Delta(9)-THC in thetreatment of glioblastoma in cancer patients.”



His research has already shown that cannabidiol (CBD) can reduce the spread of cancer to other parts of the body. Although, so far, he’s only been able to study animal and cell culture models. Now he says his team is ready to prove it in humans.


Dr. McAllister’s breakthrough came in 2007, when his team at CPMC showed that cannabidiol could reduce tumor aggressiveness in breast cancer by “turning off” a protein responsible for the spread of cancer, or metastasis, called Id-1.


We really hope they manage to get the trials going, since we are sure they will find great results.

We had our fist wow experience with a 1:1 THC/CBD strains that removed a friends terminal brain tumors within a couple of months 3 years ago. We knew we were on to something wonderful after that. More CBD in the cannabis is good both for the healing and the enjoyment of smoking some good cannabis. Next up is getting it legalized to grow for everybody to have ready for when they need it!

Read the whole story at LeafScience here!


Two new CBD rich strains released!

We just released two new CBD rich strains on the marked!

CBD Medi Haze and CBD Mango Haze, both feminized strains. They should be in most stores that carry our strains pretty soon.These strains show a bit more variety in THC/CBD ration, with posibillities of higher CBD than THC.

We also released a new CBD Mix package with an indica mix of CBD rich seeds, great for both indoor and outdoor.

CBD Mango Haze 2013


CBD Mango Haze is one of the most pleasant tasting plants in CBD-crew line up, as well as one of the new releases for 2013. CBD Mango Haze has exceeded the ranges of CBD to THC and we have seen plants ranging from the prerequisite 1:1 ratio to as far as 1:2, THC to CBD. The medical applications are immense and the potential to aid many issues of health are great, we are proud of the terpenoid content which we believe will be one of the most important future studies of our group for the benefit of the medical community in the future.

When growing out larger plants the Haze heritage of this genetic means they will respond well to topping, super cropping and various other techniques that control height and yield. Despite smaller bud formation characteristic of Haze hybrids, this plant can yield very well and we would expect it to be between 450-600 grams per m2 per 600 watt lamp. Reducing the lower branches during the early days of flowering will promote larger single or multiple colas, thus reducing manicuring work and handling.

CBD Mango Haze flowering time will be between 8-11 weeks depending upon the phenotype. Haze hybrids are better suited to mould resistance and can be very appealing to the outdoor growers as well as indoor growers. Resin production is impressive and the extractions possible with this hybrid will be full flavoured and appealing to all. An excellent practical Sativa dominant CBD enriched plant that will be a joy for all who grows her.

Genetics (indica/sativa): 20:80

Flowering time: 9-10 weeks

Yield (gr/m2/600watt): 450-550 grams

Pack size: 5 seeds

Sex: Feminized

THC%: 6-8

CBD%: 8-10

Ratio of (THC: CBD): between 1:1 to 1:2

Aroma: Spicy, mango, pineapple and pepper


CBD Medi Haze


CBD Medihaze is a sativa dominant high CBD enriched strain and one of the latest of CBD crew new releases for 2013. CBD Medihaze is Super Silver Haze crossed with old time classic of Nevil Haze then bred with the CBD parents for enrichment. It has taken some time and some testing but the CBD-crew has verified the ratios of CBD to THC as minimum 1:1 with many of the progeny seeds going up to 2 CBD: 1 THC! So the applications of this strain are of new potential to the medical community.

Despite CBD Medihaze ancestor, this is a plant that does not stretch too much when grown properly. Ready for harvest at 9 to 10 weeks of flowering at 12/12 hours. In Northern Hemisphere this plant should be completed outdoors in mid October.

CBD Medihaze produces a good yielding plant with spicy/ menthol /piny aromas and if cured for 6 weeks will be a very smooth smoking plant. The yields expected are between 450-550 grams per square meter and a lot of weight comes in the latter part of flowering as distinct from indica dominants whose weight comes with the onset of flowering.

Genetics (indica/sativa): 20:80

Flowering time: 9-10 weeks

Yield (gr/m2/600watt): 450-550 grams

Pack size: 5 seeds

Sex: Feminized

THC%: 4

CBD%: 8

Ratio of( THC:CBD): between 1:1 to 1:2

Aroma: Spicy, Piny, Menthol and mint

Can Cannabis reduce braindamage caused by drinking? Study suggest so.

We all know how much damage alcohol can cause and reverting brain damage has been very hard to do before, but scientists from the University of Kentucky and University of Maryland now concluded that a chemical in marijuana called cannabidiol (CBD) could be used to ward off alcohol-induced brain damage.

That is actually great news, what if it can help reduce brain-damage related to other hard drugs as well, we will keep our hopes up for now!



The authors  of this study also note that CBD acts as a stronger antioxidant than many well-known antioxidants – including BHT and α-tocopherol (vitamin E).



“It has been suggested that the neuroprotective effects of CBD observed during binge alcohol induced neurodegeneration are due to its high antioxidant capacity.”

Studies show about 8.5% of the U.S. population may be suffering from alcohol dependence, suggesting that many stand to benefit from this new potential treatment. And that is only in America, world wide there is a huge need for help battling this addiction and coping with it’s damages.


Read the whole story on TruthOnPot here


Cannabis & Colon cancer, maybe a solution ahead?

Colon cancer, one of the largest group of cancer world wide and is the second most deadly form of cancer in the Western world. And it’s not a genetic pattern to blame it on, so how to we get rid of this growing cancer group? Time to start paying attention to what we put in to our systems.



“Marijuana’s cancer-fighting potential results from its interaction with a unique biological system that exists in all humans – the endocannabinoid system. Specifically, the endocannabinoid system has been shown to play an important role in the body’s defence against colon cancer.”

Research also suggests that endocannabinoids may even be more effective than chemotherapy at fighting cancer.


What makes matters worse is that colon cancer seems to affect almost anyone. Experts say that 75-95% of colon cancer is unrelated to genetics, making it difficult to pinpoint who might actually be at risk.


On the other hand, support for the use of medical marijuana in cancer therapy has grown tremendously over the past few decades and recent studies provide strong evidence of its potential as a treatment for colon cancer.

Interestingly, the 2012 study also found that CBD treatment increased endocannabinoid levels, suggesting that CBD can not only fight cancer directly, but indirectly as well by increasing the cancer-fighting activity of the body’s own cannabinoids.

As outlined by the National Cancer Institute, marijuana-derived compounds have been found to possess the following anti-cancer effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory activity
  • Blocking cell growth
  • Preventing the growth of blood vessels that supply tumors
  • Antiviral activity

Marijuana’s cancer-fighting potential results from its interaction with a unique biological system that exists in all humans – the endocannabinoid system. Specifically, the endocannabinoid system has been shown to play an important role in the body’s defence against colon cancer.


A study published in 2011 found that CBD was effective at both inducing apoptosis and inhibiting cancer proliferation in human cell lines – demonstrating a two-pronged attack against colon cancer.


Read the whole story on

Alzheimer & Cannabis, could there be a solution?

Alzheimer and cannabis has been talked about for a long time now, since people who smoke regularly seem to almost never get Alzheimer. And lately there have been published more and more studies on the topic. TruthoOnPot is promoting several studies related to Alzheimer and cannabis now, and it seem to be very exiting findings. Also on the topic of cannabis restoring the brain on animals, is really amazing findings and if can be applied to other brain injuries, the possibilities could be endless and an incredible breakthrough in medical history.


Clumps of protein known as beta-amyloid plaque are a key trait of Alzheimer’s and contribute to the progression and symptoms of the disease. New evidence points to a unique role of marijuana in removing this plaque from the brain.

Researchers at the Roskamp Institute in Florida have shown for the first time how cannabinoids – the active chemicals in marijuana – are able to reduce the build-up of a key indicator of Alzheimer’s disease.

For long, scientists have linked the loss of cell and brain tissue in Alzheimer’s to abnormal structures called beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaque. Levels of plaque in a patient’s brain can even predict the severity of symptoms and tissue damage suffered.

While this study was the first to identify this unique function of cannabinoids, it confirms the results of prior research linking the chemicals to a reduction in both plaque levels and Alzheimer’s symptoms. What’s more, others suggest cannabinoids have a variety of effects that could be helpful in treating the disorder.



“…mice with Alzheimer’s experienced dramatic improvements in memory after treatment with cannabidiol (CBD).”


Alzheimer’s disease continues to be a leading cause of disability among the growing population of seniors. Without a breakthrough in treatment, the number of Alzheimer’s cases are expected to triple over the next 50 years.

We are wet exited to see the future of this research and will keep you posted. You can also follow TruthOnPot for current cannabis news.

Read the whole story here at

Link to the actual study here!


Kids & cannabis, Dr. William Courtney

More from Dr. William Courtney.


Dr. W. Courtney has been known for a while now to also use cannabis as a non psychoactive treatment by juicing it. He has helped many people including one of his youngest patients, which was an eight month old baby with a brain toumor. Thanks to brave parents, this little kid did not have to go trough hard rounds of chemo.


The tumor was remarkably reduced after eight months of treatment. Dr. Courtney pointed out that the success of the cannabis approach means that “this child, because of that, is not going to have the long-term side effects that would

come from avery high dose of chemotherapy or radiation…




Read some more and see the full hangout at HuffingtonPost