CBD Crew is going to Expogrow, Irun!

Time has come again to take the  trip to the beautiful pais vasco and visit Irun for the yearly Expogrow show.

We have a great time every year there and if you are coming to the fair, do drop by our both for a chat or to buy some seeds.

After the fair is closed, there is concerts outside the venue the whole evening and generally a very nice vibe!


So if you are around, come to Expogrow Irun form the 16-18 of September!




expogrow 2014



Outdoor growers!

Soon Outdoor season here is coming to and end!

Hope you all have great big healthy bushes flowering in the sun.

This is a  beautiful picture from a private grower in north Europe earlier this summer, it’s a bushy CBD Shark Shock looking healthy and strong.

Do send us pictures of your lovely outdoor plants as they are flowering, we love to see them all!

And of course we love to see all your indoor plants as well, just send to our Facebook, or to our email: [email protected]


cbd shark frank Spangleberg FB



Cannabis and your bones!

Can cannabis even be good for your bones?  Yes, it sure does seem so.


We have many issues relate to our bones, from fractures to more long term issues like osteoporosis, arthritis and inflammations. And is seems cannabis with THC/CBD and all its cannabinoids can be of good help for most of these issues. Combined with a change of diet, there can be significant change to chronic issues and illness in general in most people. Do remember that if you have bone issues, milk and dairy products should not be a part of your diet. It inhibits the bodies absorption of the necessary calcium.  Plant based calcium will do much more for your situation.

We come across this great summary of cannabis and bone health, read more below.


“The endocannabinoid system does play a major role in maintaining the health of our bones and one way it does this is by facilitating a process known as bone metabolism, or bone remodeling.

“Bone metabolism” is the process in which old bone material is replaced by new bone material, keeping your bones healthy and strong throughout your life. Your body builds new bone growth in order to combat the micro-damage that occurs on a daily basis. In all, a healthy adult body will replace about 10% of your bone structure each year.”


“The researchers found that cannabinoid receptors can trigger bone formation and strengthen the bridge that connects broken bones. The study was performed in rat models, which is how previous osteoporosis drugs were tested prior to clinical trials. In their study, researchers injected rats with broken thigh bones with either straight CBD or a combination of CBD and THC.  

The results of the experiment were pretty amazing. THC did not show to have much of any effect when it came to speeding up the body’s self-healing mechanisms. But, pure CBD did. The scientists found that bones of rats treated with CBD alone not only healed more quickly but the previous fracture was less likely to break in the future because of a strengthened fracture callus.

The study estimated that the treated bone is 35-50% stronger than a non-treated bone. “


“THC, the chemical that gives you the ‘high’ when you consume marijuana, may also hold some value in preventing brittle bones. CB1 receptors are found in many areas of the body, including inside bones, in the brain, and throughout the gut. When you consume marijuana, psychoactive THC connects to cell receptors in all of these areas. The cannabinoid then influences the biochemical processes at work in these regions.

Read the whole story here!









¡Alarma! Estafador de semillas a granel en Madrid. ——————– Warning! Bulk Seed scammer in Madrid.


Se ha llegado a nuestra atención que un hombre en Madrid ha actuado como representante de CBD Crew y se vende semillas a granel en nombre de nosotros a compradores privados. ESTO NO ES CORRECTO.
No tenemos esas personas que trabajan para nosotros, y si usted ha comprado forma este hombre, que no hemos conseguido ningún genética CBD tripulación. Es probable que haya conseguido una semilla muy mala calidad, tal vez incluso el cáñamo.
Fuimos contactados por una persona molesta que nada germinado y una gran cantidad de semillas, semillas estaba roto. Agradecemos a esta persona por informarnos sobre esto, así que nos dieron a conocer al respecto. Realmente esperamos que la persona que le vendió las semillas no han estafado muchas más personas mediante el uso de nuestro nombre.


Nunca comprar semillas a granel CDB tripulación de nadie, pero nosotros directamente o nuestros socios de confianza.


cbd nordle 6 weeks flower fb



It has come to our attention that a man in Madrid has acted as a representative for CBD Crew and sold bulk seeds on behalf of us to private buyers.

THIS IS NOT CORRECT. We have no such people working for us, and if you have bought form this man, you have not gotten any CBD Crew genetics.  You have probably gotten a very bad quality seed, maybe even hemp.

We were contacted by a person who of course was very upset that nothing sprouted and a lot was cracked seeds. We thank this person for letting us know about this, so that we got to know about the situation.  We really hope the person that sold him the seeds have not scammed many more people by using our name.

Never buy CBD Crew bulk seeds from anybody but us directly or our trusted partners.



CBD Crew strains rewarded at the Lift Cannabis Expo in Toronto!

Last weekend a good friend of us got away with many of the awards at the Lift Cannabis Expo in Toronto.

With our genetics he got 3 awards this time!  He has won before as well with our CBD Skunk Haze as Sativa entry at the Treating Yourself Cup.

CBD Flowers:                                                                       Solventless Hash:

CBD Skunk Haze 2nd                                                          CBD Yummy 3rd
CBD Medihaze 3rd


Jose Domingues

Thank yo so much Jose D, it’s a pleasure to see your work get rewarded.

( Picture form the Treating Yourself cup )


If you ever grow and enter our strains in any cups, do let us know!


A growing problem, online cannabis oil scammers! Update

Unfortunately this problem seem to be growing bigger and bigger, and with more and more aggressive “sales personal”  spending all day online laying out traps for their scams. From comments of great success with oil adding a email address to contact for help, to opening profiles on Facebook, befriending people and offering them cannabis in private messages.


Please help spread this information,

so that people in need don’t get scammed and get a very uncomfortable start with using cannabis as medicine.

The cannabis community is here to help people, not scam them in a vulnerable situation.



With all the new wonderful and inspiring information around cannabis and it’s healing properties, there is unfortunately a not so pleasant side effect. And that is the cannabis oil scammers.


Ever since the healing properties of cannabis has come out in the mainstream media lot more people are looking for cannabis oils. And many of those looking have little or no knowledge about cannabis from before. This makes some people “easy” pray for the scammers and they are working full time to get money from people in need in their search for oils. And they are getting more advanced every day in their elaborate stories to get peoples attention and money. This is very unfortunate and we need to get information about this out there to prevent this form happening.

Leaf on white

The best way to get cannabis oil is to grow yourself or get somebody to grow the cannabis for you. Then you know you will get a clean organic grown product and get the variety you need. It’s hard to get a CBD/THC oil for example, since most people that grow these plants as of now, grow for somebody that already need it and wont be able to sell/share any of the cannabis. For most illnesses you want a good indica based oil, either high THC or high THC/CBD.

If you are lucky to live in a place that you can get to a cannabis dispensary, a caregiver, a coffeshop or association, the search for cannabis and cannabis oils will be a lot easier for you. If not, growing might be the safest way to get cannabis oils. But you will probably be surprised of how many people you already know that can actually get a hold of some cannabis for you if you only dear to ask. Most young people at least know of somebody that is a cannabis user and will probably do their best to help if they get asked. If you can get hold of small amounts of cannabis, you can start your treatment with decarboxylating the cannabis and eating smaller amounts until you gt enough to make a batch of oil with your grow. You can send us a mail at [email protected] for instructions on decarboxylating the cannabis if you need.

You can also take a look at CBD Crew stable CBD/THC genetics for you garden HERE if you need to grow your own.




Here are some sure signs you are dealing with a scammer:

  • Offering everybody cannabis oil online in commentary fields.

-These people are pretty much always scammers.  DO NOT TRUST THEM. (more…)

Pictures from Spannabis 2016.

Spannabis was a great time and many people dropped by our booth. It was a pleasure to speak to everybody, hope to see you all next year as well!

Here is a few pictures form the expo, more will be added to the Photo Gallery.


