The list of illnesses that cannabis might be of great help for seem to be growing and growing. More and more knowledge about cannabis as a healing agent reach the masses, and people are sharing their testimonials. People in desperate … Continued
Be sure to get what you are searching for.
Be sure to get what you order! Always use our online dealers or make sure the seeds come in their original package. This is the only way we can guarantee that you get our CBD/THC enriched seeds. … Continued
Yet another child gets her life back from using cannabis to stop her epileptic seizures
Meet Tara O’Connell, who suffered from debilitating childhood epilepsy. After exhausting traditional treatment options, her family turned to medical marijuana in desperation. Luckily several children had already been helped and their stories were online to inspire these parents to try … Continued
what happens in your body when you use Cannabis
CBD Crew and Dutch Passion collaboration. CBD SkunkHaze is helping people heal!
CBD Crew is currently collaborating with several other seedbaks helping them have stable CBD enriched strains in their collections. One of them is Dutch Passion with our CBD SkunkHaze, an hybrid 50/50 plants that looks and grows great. … Continued
Fake CBD Crew Instagram account!
This account on Instagram is a fake account, do not try to get seeds form him. He also has a account of ResinSeeds and as a private person that comments that “I got the seeds” etc. All is fake, please … Continued
How cannabis oil can change your life, fast!
Epilepsy Studies.
Cannabinoids Promote Healthy Placental Development & Positive Pregnancy Outcomes
A new study published this month by the journal Reproduction, and published online by the National Institute of Health, has found exciting new evidence to suggest that proper cannabinoid signalling can lead to health placental development during pregnancy, and an … Continued
Two new CBD rich strains released!
We just released two new CBD rich strains on the marked! CBD Medi Haze and CBD Mango Haze, both feminized strains. They should be in most stores that carry our strains pretty soon.These strains show a bit more variety in … Continued