The list of illnesses that cannabis might be of great help for seem to be growing and growing. More and more knowledge about cannabis as a healing agent reach the masses, and people are sharing their testimonials. People in desperate … Continued
Be sure to get what you are searching for.
Be sure to get what you order! Always use our online dealers or make sure the seeds come in their original package. This is the only way we can guarantee that you get our CBD/THC enriched seeds. … Continued
Cannabis and your eyes, is it useful in more ways than we already thought?
For a long time cannabis has been said to help relief glaucoma, but could cannabis help in even more ways with the vision? A study form Spain seem to suggest so. The treatment group, which received 100 mg/kg of … Continued
Cannabis and Spinal Cord Injuries, a solution?
Cannabis and Spinal Cord Injuries, could cannabis really be the solution for those with chronic pain and/or spasms? At least we owe them to be able to try cannabis as a treatment, an opportunity to a different approach on pain … Continued
what happens in your body when you use Cannabis
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Our Facebook page is growing as we grow, if you have a Facebook account, do Like our page and stay up to date whit what we do and the latest of research. And you can connect with more CBD/THC enthusiasts … Continued