CBD Therapy is on it’s way out to all shops again! This low THC high CBD strain has helped many people all around the world since we released it. CBD Theapy is mostly under 1% THC and CBD up to … Continued
Children with epilepsy, who are we to deny them efficient aid?
Over the last years numerous people have come forth showing the incredible effects CBD have had on their children that suffer from various forms of epilepsy. Many have had to break the law or move far away from family … Continued
World Health Organization ( WHO ) recognizing CBD as therapeutic.
World Health Organization ( WHO ) is recognizing the need for opening up to medical cannabis for patients and for all scientists. We are exited to hear what the new report in May 2018 will conclude. This report … Continued
It’s time again, Spannabis expo 2016!
This weekend, 11-13 of March, Barcelona is yet again being filled with people from all over the world gathering for the 13th Spannabis expo. If you have not attended before, it’s a huge expo with everything from seeds and the … Continued
Cannabis & the brain, is science disproving all the myths?
Cannabis, we have been told it ruins your brain. But it might just be doing the opposite. From curing cancers, stopping seizures and developing new braincells. One of the reasons we at CBD Crew started this journey with stabilizing … Continued
Stable low THC high CBD strains will soon be released from CBD Crew!
Since we first started our journey as CBD Crew bringing the first ever stable THC/CBD seed collection to the marked ( CBD/THC in every single seed ), many have asked us for a stable low THC & high CBD strain. … Continued
CBD Crew seeds for medical grows in Canada.
CBD Crew have now obtained a license to export seeds to licensed medical growers in Canada. If you have a medical grow and have any questions regarding our genetics or how to obtain seeds, please contact us at [email protected]
The many faces of medical cannabis users!
Today cannabis users has many faces, maybe even you are one of them. The stereotype of the typical “stoner” being the only one using cannabis has been very misleading and social media has now given people the opportunity to … Continued
CBD-Rich Cannabis versus Single-Molecule CBD, by ProjectCBD.
There is a lot of confusion about the different CBD extracts out there and the effectiveness of extracting just a single molecule. Here is a release on the matter from ProjectCBD: A groundbreaking study from Israel has documented the … Continued
8 Misconceptions About Cannabidiol (CBD),an important document that everybody who is passionate about medical cannabis should read.
We do get a lot of people asking us about CBD from Industrial hemp, can it be as fantastic as the advertisers sometimes promotes it? Truth be told, very few studies has been done on the health benefits of industrial … Continued