Be sure to get what you order! Always use our online dealers or make sure the seeds come in their original package. This is the only way we can guarantee that you get our CBD/THC enriched seeds. … Continued
Cannabis and your eyes, is it useful in more ways than we already thought?
For a long time cannabis has been said to help relief glaucoma, but could cannabis help in even more ways with the vision? A study form Spain seem to suggest so. The treatment group, which received 100 mg/kg of … Continued
Remember to follow us on Facebook and #unfollow on Instagram.
If you have a Facebook profile, do check in on our FB group! We are a growing community with lots of knowledge between us. Daily updates on things happening in the cannabis world, pictures, lab results and other interesting topics. … Continued
Cannabis and Spinal Cord Injuries, a solution?
Cannabis and Spinal Cord Injuries, could cannabis really be the solution for those with chronic pain and/or spasms? At least we owe them to be able to try cannabis as a treatment, an opportunity to a different approach on pain … Continued
what happens in your body when you use Cannabis
U.S. Federal Marijuana Farm To Offer New Strains with more 1:1 CBD/THC ratioes. As CBD Crew have done since the day we launched our company!
The American Government is now trying to expand their cannabis selection to strains whit a 1:1 level of CBD/THC. “The NIDA-sponsored farm is located at the University of Mississippi and is operated by a team of nine. Last year, the … Continued
Explaining how cannabis battles cancer cells and strengthens the healthy cells surrounding them.
Epilepsy Studies.
Follow us on Facebook as well!
We recently added a Facebook group to our CBD Crew media networking. There you can easily find loads of information on our wall at all times. We also post growers photos of our CBD Crew collection, so do send us … Continued