The growing list of illnesses that cannabis might be of great help for.

The list of illnesses that cannabis might be of great help for seem to be growing and growing. More and  more knowledge about cannabis as a healing agent reach the masses, and people are sharing their testimonials.  People in desperate situations with illnesses we barley know of, now want to see if cannabis could be a solution for them.

Cannabis seem to have so many beneficial factors for the body, with aiding the immune system, being antiseptic, anti inflammatory  & filled with antioxidants. It is going to be very exiting to see how long the list will become in the future.

Until then, here is a list of 22 diseases that cannabis actually can help you with!

ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease): Cannabis may correct imbalances in theendocannabinoid system that coincide with neurological degeneration.

Alzheimer’s: While existing Alzheimer’s treatments target the disease’s symptoms, cannabis is a promising therapy to undo its degenerative effects.

Autoimmune disease: THC may modify DNA to reduce autoimmune reactions like chronic inflammation.

Bipolar disorder: This study found that bipolar subjects with a history of cannabis use had better neurocognitive function than those with no history of cannabis use.

Brain degeneration: Cannabinoids reduce the effects of brain aging.

Brain inflammation: THC and CBD are neuroprotective antioxidants, and are equally or more effective than other pharmaceutical treatments, but without the damaging side effects.

Cancer: Six different cannabinoids combat the growth of cancer cells.

Chemotherapy side effects: Cannabis treats the side effects of chemotherapy, like nausea and appetite loss, without inhibiting the effectiveness of chemotherapy in battling cancer.

Crohn’s disease: High-THC cannabis has the ability to put Crohn’s disease into remission, and is an effective treatment without the negative side effects of traditional steroid treatments.

Depression: “Across four methodologically diverse samples, marijuana use consistently buffered people from the negative consequences associated with loneliness and social exclusion.”

Diabetes: Diabetics who regularly use cannabis have lower levels of fasting insulin.

Glaucoma: Cannabis reduces intraocular pressure, the effect of the disease that causes blindness.

Heart disease: Low doses of THC can help to prevent pulmonary heart disease.

Head and neck cancers: Moderate cannabis users have lower risk of head and neck cancers.

HIV: Regular doses of THC can modify T cell count and decrease the damage to immune tissue in infected primates.

Meth-related brain damage: Delta-9-THC reduces the effects of neurotoxicity caused by prolonged methamphetamine use.

Multiple sclerosis: Cannabis extract may lower the frequency of spasms and diminish immobility caused by MS.

Obesity: The prevalence of obesity is lower among cannabis users.

Osteoarthritis: Cannabis reduces the pain caused by osteoarthritis by correcting an imbalance of cannabinoid receptors in the brain.

PTSD: Post-traumatic stress disorder causes an imbalance of cannabinoid receptors in the brain, which can be brought to balance using cannabis.

Seizures: Through the anticonvulsant properties of two chemical agents in the plant, cannabis is a highly effective treatment to prevent chronic seizures.

Sleep apnea: Cannabis stabilizes the involuntary autonomic nervous system during sleep, reducing sleep-disordered breathing.

Story: News.mic


Be sure to get what you are searching for.


Be sure to get what you order!



Always use our online dealers or make sure the seeds come in their original package.

This is the only way we can guarantee that you get our CBD/THC enriched seeds.

We have come across some online dealers that claims to actually be us or to work with us. But they are not our colleagues. The people that order from these dealers, do not get our seeds. It’s sad that people try to rip of people that need the CBD/THC rich genetics for their conditions. So the best ting to do is be a bit of a skeptic. Send us a mail and ask if you are unsure it’s a trusted dealer or you can’t find the dealer on our Links & SeedShops page.  Ask us at:  [email protected]

For the Instagram users, the @CBDCREW account is a fake. ( hopefully it has been taken down by now, but as we are blocked, we can’t see it) He claims to sells seeds, but it’s not our genetics. The positive comments on the profile are fake.

Our actual Instagram profile is called:    







Also don’t order seeds from this page, Canadian Hemp Co. We are trying to contact them, but they wont respond, so until we can verify that they have seeds from CBD Crew, ResinSeeds or Mr.Nice, do not order any of these seeds from them. ( or any other company!)

This is how the CBD Crew package should look like and with a hologram sticker on the packet.




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Yet another child gets her life back from using cannabis to stop her epileptic seizures

Meet Tara O’Connell, who suffered from debilitating childhood epilepsy. After exhausting traditional treatment options, her family turned to medical marijuana in desperation. Luckily several children had already been helped and their stories were online to inspire these parents to try something now. Tara had from 65 and more seizures every day and had been on every medication there is. As many parents experience, these medications don’t really seem to help their children develop. A change like this is something most of these parents don’t even dear to dream about, that is why it’s so important that everybody gets this type of information.  Don’t be quiet, let the knowledge be spread. It sure helped this girl tremendously!


Cannabis and your eyes, is it useful in more ways than we already thought?

For a long time cannabis has been said to help relief glaucoma, but could cannabis help in even more ways with the vision? A study form Spain seem to suggest so.


The treatment group, which received 100 mg/kg of the synthetic cannabinoid each day, performed significantly better on visual tasks when compared to the group that did not receive treatment.


Read the story at Medicaljane here!


Brave Mykayla turns 9 years old and has a message to the world!


A little video from Mykayla, who just turned 9 years old ans still in remission 🙂  The information she has spread  and the journey of this young girl has been on, has spread a lot of hope to many peole and really put treating children with the natural product of cannabis on the agenda. Looking forward to see her grow to become a even greater spokesperson!

Brave Mykayla turns 9 years old and has a message to the world!

Hope you had a great birthday Mykayla!

Cannabis rich in cannabidiol is helping children with their epilepsy.

In California many children are now legal medical cannabis patients, and a big group of these are dealing with heavy epileptic seizures. Cannabis seem to help these children more than their parents even hoped to dream of and giving them the chance to connect with their children again.

In a story from the The San Gabriel Valley Tribune we get to meet Nazy Nouri and her daughter Kiana. After 25 failed epilepsy medications, Nazy Nouri had two treatment choices for her 9-year-old daughter: cutting out part of the little girl’s brain or marijuana. “I really felt like we had nothing to lose; this was the last resort,” Nouri said. “If it doesn’t work, then we were going to maybe go with brain surgery.”


“After 10 days, I saw immediate results, she was more coherent, her speech was coming out,” Nouri said. “I’ve had her in speech therapy since she was 24 months old. All of a sudden she was speaking in sentences.”


Due to lack of knowledge and a bad propaganda machine, so many peole fear trying out cannabis for themselves and their children. Luckily more an more peole dear give it a try and share their results. More and more people who thought they never see or any way have anything to do with cannabis are now some of the cannabis movements biggest fighters.This mother got her hope from hearing about Charlotte Figi in Colorado. A then 5 year old girl who had been helped by the low THC high CBD pheno.


Children all over the world and grown ups as well are in need of CBD enriched cannabis to be grown for their medical needs. People should not be persecuted for helping people who really need it. Nearly 200 children use Charlotte’s Web as of now, and there are 2,000 people on a wait list. And that is only there, all over the world the demand is huge.


Read the whole story from The San Gabriel Valley Tribune here!


One of the first children to go public about trying cannabis as a solution for controlling epileptic seizures, Jayden and his dad.


Ted talks from the caretaker of Charlotte and her Chanrlotte’s Web:


A nice documentary from Dr. Sanjay Gupta talking about cannabis history and children as mmj patients:

Documentary: What if Cannabis Cured Cancer

The amount of knowledgeable documentaries out on the marked now about cannabis is very encouraging to see.

By spreading information we can speed up the proses and break some of the myths that keep this plant still in the dark.  Everybody should be allowed to grow cannabis, it’s should not be a crime.


Remember to follow us on Facebook and #unfollow on Instagram.

If you have a Facebook profile, do check in on our FB group!

We are a growing community with lots of knowledge between us. Daily updates on things happening in the cannabis world, pictures, lab results and other interesting topics.

Come share some information and thoughts!



Also we need to inform that on Insatgram there is somebody who made a fake profile in our and in ResinSeeds name. They are “selling” seeds, but they are really just taking peoples money and never sending anything.  The positive comments there are the creators of the scam. Pleas let them know what you think about peole trying to steal money from others if you have and Instagram account 😉



Cannabis and Spinal Cord Injuries, a solution?

Cannabis and Spinal Cord Injuries,  could  cannabis really be the solution for those with chronic pain and/or spasms?

At least we owe them to be able to try cannabis as a treatment, an opportunity to a different approach on pain management. Many report that the medications form the doctors just don’t work for them any more or have at all. So why should they be denied a chance?


Spinal cord injuries are caused by trauma to the spine, when dislodged bone fragment, ligaments, or disc material damage the spinal tissue on impact. Unlike back injuries, spinal cord injuries affect motor functions because axons (or extensions of nerve cells that carry messages to the brain) are destroyed by the fractured or compressed vertebrae.


According to a story written in Leafly, studies have confirmed cannabis’ ability to treat many signature symptoms of SCI including pain, spasticity, insomnia, and depression. Some improvement in bladder and bowel control has also been noted. Cannabinoids, the medicinal compounds found in cannabis, are what offer this amazing diversity of symptom relief to SCI patients.

Cannabidiol (CBD), the compound mentioned by Parsons, is slowly but surely becoming a name in the arena of pain relievers. Studies have not only demonstrated CBD’s remarkable painkilling properties, but also its ability to reduce spasticity and improved motor function in SCI patients.

Read the whole story HERE at Leafly!