Getting rid of bugs? Here are some homemade organic recipes!

Getting rid of bugs?


We always urge people to grow as organic as possible to get a clean healthy product, but sometimes bugs can force you to bring out the chemicals. So before it goes to far and the bugs are everywhere, maybe try something organic, cheap and homemade before bringing out the heavy artillery. Also, when it comes to cannabis,  you want to get your plant bug free before putting them on flowering, to be sure there is no bugs in those buds.  But you might have some  great ingredients for a homemade pesticide just sitting around, just waiting to be tried out.

Here are some organic homemade ways to get rid of bugs, give them a try!



1. Neem

Ancient Indians highly revered neem oil as a powerful, all-natural plant for warding off pests. In fact, neem juice is the most powerful natural pesticide on the planet, holding over 50 natural insecticides. This extremely bitter tree leaf can be made in a spray form, or can be bought from a number of reputable companies.

To make your own neem oil spray, simply add 1/2 an ounce of high quality organic neem oil and ½ teaspoon of a mild organic liquid soap (f.eks Dr. Bronners Peppermint) to two quarts of warm water. Stir slowly. Add to a spray bottle and use immediately.


2. Salt Spray , Himalayan crystal salt

For treating plants infested with spider mites, mix 2 tablespoons of Himalayan Crystal Salt into one gallon of warm water and spray on infected areas.

3. Mineral oil

Mix 10-30 ml of high-grade oil with one liter of water. Stir and add to spray bottle. This organic pesticide works well for dehydrating insects and their eggs.


4. Citrus Oil and/or Cayenne Pepper Mix

This is another great organic pesticide that works well on ants. Simply, mix 10 drops of citrus essential oil with one teaspoon cayenne pepper and 1 cup of warm water. Shake well and spray in the affected areas.


5. Soap, Orange Citrus Oil & Water

To make this natural pesticide, simply mix 3 tablespoons of liquid Organic Castile soap with 1 ounce of Orange oil to one gallon of water. Shake well. This is an especially effective treatment against slugs and can be sprayed directly on ants and roaches.


6. Eucalyptus oil

A great natural pesticide for flies, bees and wasps. Simply sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus oil where the insects are found. They will all be gone before you know it.


7. Onion and Garlic Spray

Mince one organic clove of garlic and one medium sized organic onion. Add to a quart of water. Wait one hour and then add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one tablespoon of liquid soap to the mix. This organic spray will hold its potency for one week if stored in the refrigerator.


8. Chrysanthemum Flower Tea

These flowers hold a powerful plant chemical component called pyrethrum. This substance invades the nervous system of insects rendering them immobile. You can make your own spray by boiling 100 grams of dried flowers into 1 liter of water. Boil dried flowers in water for twenty minutes. Strain, cool and place in a spray bottle. Can be stored for up to two months. You can also add some organic neem oil to enhance the effectiveness.

9. Tobacco Spray

Tobacco ( try using organic tobacco )

Just as tobacco is not good for humans, tobacco spray was once a commonly used pesticide for killing pests, caterpillars and aphids. To make, simply take one cup of organic tobacco (preferably a brand that is organic and all-natural) and mix it in one gallon of water. Allow the mixture to set overnight. After 24-hours, the mix should have a light brown color. If it is very dark, add more water. This mix can be used on most plants, with the exception of those in the solanaceous family (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc.)


10. Chile pepper / Diatomaceous Earth

Grind two handfuls of dry chiles into a fine powder and mix with 1 cup of Diatomaceous earth. Add to 2 liters of water and let set overnight. Shake well before applying.


– Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


The tips are form




If you have some easy recipes for making your own organic pesticides, or have any experiences with these methods, do let us know 🙂


CBD Crew and Dutch Passion collaboration. CBD SkunkHaze is helping people heal!



CBD Crew is currently collaborating with several other seedbaks helping them have stable CBD enriched strains in their collections.

One of them is Dutch Passion with our CBD SkunkHaze, an hybrid 50/50 plants that looks and grows great. At the Toronto Treating Yourself Cup in 2013, a private grower entered CBD SkunkHaze and won 3rd prize, competing with only high THC strains.

Bud Buddies, the group behind Project Storm, have been growing CBD SkunkHaze and provided several people with their oils and tinctures. Dutch Passion did a nice followup on the project on  their web page with testimonials form the users.

You can read their article here!


 Eleven wrote:
im on my second crop of skunk haze. i make cannapills with coconut oil. these help my diabetes, sleep problems and anxiety no end. i know its anecdotal but can assure anyone, it works! from speeding up my metabolism helping me to lose weight and calming my anxiety without the uncomfortable high that other strains cause. thanx!


Fake CBD Crew Instagram account!

This account on Instagram is a fake account, do not try to get seeds form him.

He also has a account of ResinSeeds and as a private person that comments that “I got the seeds” etc. All is fake, please don’t order anything form this person!

You can find lots of honest sellers on our Linke & Seedshop page 🙂


U.S. Federal Marijuana Farm To Offer New Strains with more 1:1 CBD/THC ratioes. As CBD Crew have done since the day we launched our company!

The American Government is now trying to expand their cannabis selection to strains whit a 1:1 level of CBD/THC.

“The NIDA-sponsored farm is located at the University of Mississippi and is operated by a team of nine. Last year, the National Institute on Drug Abuse paid the university $847,000 to run the facility, which provides cannabis for researchers across the country.

For decades, the farm has only produced a narrow range of plants – varieties with high THC and low CBD levels, according to Mahmoud Elsohly, PhD, director of the NIDA Marijuana Project.

But with interest in medical marijuana taking off, Dr. Elsohly and his team are hoping to offer new strains, especially those with higher levels of the non-psychoactive ingredient cannabidiol (CBD).”


According to Dr. Elsohly, they have now successfully cultivated a second variety of marijuana containing equal amounts of CBD and THC.

Meanwhile CBD Crew have always had a stable 1:1 CBD/THC collection to offer all our growers!


Read the whole story at Leaf Science!



Project Storm by BudBuddies!

Do follow this project done by BudBuddies, Project Storm!


CBD Crew are proud to be a part of this with our genetics and hope we have been able to help the project succeed. If you can, do donate some for this wonderful group that has taken their time and effort to help other people 🙂

Project Storm Web Page!