New testimonial!

Getting personal testimonials send to us by users of our genetics is very important to us, it lets us know that what we do actually are helping people and it really warms our hearts and motivates us to do even more.

Here is the last testimonial we got sent to us:


My personal thanks to the CBD Crew for selecting the strain

CBD Nordle! 


Briefly in English: I succeeded to treat a bad case of dental periostitis without antibiotics, only using an extract of your Nordle strain (5% CBD, 5% THC – checked in a laboratory) diluted in hemp seed oil (3 ml : 50 ml) and applied sublingually. Very good effect on inflammation and against pain as well. No harsh psychoactive effects even at very high dosage of 10-20 drops daily, only sleepiness and mild fatigue. I can recommend it for autoimmunitary diseases and inflammatory conditions currently treated with antibiotics. I live in Central Europe, Czech Republic – presently Nordle plants only start to flower here, but before the mid-October they should be ready for harvest.

Mé osobní poděkování CBD Crew za to, že vyšlechtili odrůdu Nordle! Díky úspěšně zdolanému zánětu okostice jsem zjistila, jak úžasně účinný je výtažek z odrůdy Nordle (5% CBD, 5% THC) rozpuštěný v poměru 3 ml : 50 ml v konopném oleji a podávaný pod jazyk, aby se vstřebal přes sliznice. Velmi rychle a účinně působí jak proti zánětu, tak na bolest. A to mi věřte, že právě u této nemoci je obojí velmi, velmi silné! Ohromnou výhodou proti odrůdám s vysokým obsahem THC je, že nemá skoro žádné nepříjemné omamné účinky, až při hodně vysokých dávkách (10-20 kapek denně) je to pouze ospalost a únava. Nordle je odrůda vyšlechtěná CBD Crew a dobře roste v našich venkovních podmínkách. Touto dobou teprve začíná kvést, ale stihne dozrát do poloviny října. Mohu ji s klidným svědomím doporučit jako základní léčbu pro většinu autoimunitních nemocí a celou řadu dalších zdravotních problémů zánětlivé povahy, viz zánět okostice, které se běžně léčí antibiotiky.

You can read more about it in the book:  Léčivé konopí v praxi ( Medicinal Cannabis in Practice) by Bushka Bryndova.

You can order through my FB profile or by e-mail [email protected]


That is great to hear and thank for spreading much needed knowledge in you book!

-CBD Crew


Read more testimonials here!

Cannabis & the brain, is science disproving all the myths?

Cannabis, we have been told it ruins your brain.

But it might just be doing the opposite.
From curing cancers, stopping seizures and developing new braincells.


One of the reasons we at CBD Crew started this journey with stabilizing high THC/CBD strains, was after a friend of us removed her brain tumors with 1:1 THC/CBD without even actually trying to do it. She was eating capsules to keep the pain away and the side effect was that the tumors shrunk and went away. Tumors that the doctors had given up on trying to treat as they did not react to any treatment they could offer.  So we started stabilizing the genetics ( making every single seed a cbd/thc carrier )  so that every person that wanted to try heal from cannabis could grow safely CBD/THC rich cannabis plants without being dependent on a lab to check if they had flowers containing any CBD or not. Now, a few years later, we see the enormous potential of cannabis as medicine for so many more illnesses.



cbd nordle 6 weeks flower fb



Cannabis seem to be very beneficial for the brain in general, when it seems to help conditions from cancer to epilepsy, Alzheimer, PTSD, anxiety, alcohol-related brain damage and even helping the brain grow and more.

Those are all very exiting things, and we are looking forward to more studies on this. If cannabis could in the future help stroke patients or people with trauma to the brain, to rebuild parts of the brains that has been damaged,  that would be a big medical breakthrough!


In Neurochemistry International, the authors wrote:

“In conclusion, CBC may exert potential actions on brain health through effects on adult neural stem cells.”




So it might not be to surprising that cannabis can be of great help fighting brain tumors. Studies in mice has been so successful that we can now take the trials over to human patients in high-grade glioma, an aggressive cancer, with very low long-term survival rates. Statistics show that just over a third (36%) of adult patients in the UK with glioma live for at least a year, while the five-year survival rate is 10%.


This year here in Spain we hope to start a study on 30-40 glioma patients, all sponsored by the public. The great crew at Medical Cannabis Bike Tour, has started this wonderful study by fundraising all the money needed to start. There is just a small amount of money left to be sure the study can be completed, so do donate if you can. CBD Crew and many more companies are proud sponsors. Donate here!


Medical Bike tour handing over check


Study finds legalizing medical cannabis does not increase use among adolescents

One of the arguments used a frequently by the groups trying to stop the legalization of cannabis, both for medical and recreational use, is that it would increase use among adolescents.  And as we all know by now, legalizing medical cannabis is crucial for allowing more research on all fields. There has been a few studies done on this now and the results are not in these groups favor, rather the opposite. We can also see from Holland, where cannabis has been legal and easily obtained for many years, that the recruiting of youths are lower than most countries where it’s illegal.  As far as we know, there has never actually been any reason to believe that the usage would increase adolescent usage, so maybe it’s time to put that argument to rest now.

A nationwide study from the US analyzing 24 years of data (1991 to 2014) from over one million American adolescents in the 48 contiguous states has found no evidence that legalizing the use of cannabis for medical purposes leads to increased use among teenagers.

In this study, Dr Deborah Hasin, Professor of Epidemiology at Columbia University Medical Center, New York, USA and colleagues examined the relationship between the legalization of medical cannabis and adolescent cannabis use by analyzing national ‘Monitoring the Future’ survey data  from over one million students in the 8th, 10th, and 12th grades (aged 13–18) between 1991 and 2014—a period when 21 contiguous states passed laws allowing cannabis use for medical purposes


“Our findings provide the strongest evidence to date that marijuana use by teenagers does not increase after a state legalizes medical marijuana.”

– Dr Hasin, 


Stable low THC high CBD strains will soon be released from CBD Crew!

Since we first started our journey as CBD Crew bringing the first ever stable THC/CBD seed collection to the marked ( CBD/THC in every single seed ), many have asked us for a stable low THC & high CBD strain.

This for treating children with epileptic seizures, autism and other disorders in children. Most people do not have the luxury of a laboratory close to them to get cannabis tested and it can be a little overwhelming for a new grower to start selecting mother plants and looking for phenos, so we thought it would be very helpful to have them stabilized like that. Pure CBD does not work as well in some cases and a cannabis strain with high CBD and very low THC seem to be a better option for those in need. We already have some strains that have the possibility of lower THC, but you still have to do a lab test to be sure you have a lot higher CBD than THC in your plant. CBD MediHaze and CBD Yummy are the two strains people can grow and look for low THC phenos now. So we have been focusing on stabilizing a low THC high CBD strain for the last years due to the increasing demand and to make it easier for people to find what they are searching for.


Mango Haze private grow FB


Now it’s getting closer to the release of the first stable collection of high CBD low THC strains. We have 2 chemotypes that show very promising results and we hope to be able to start bringing them to the marked soon.

We will keep you updated!

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Canada legalized cannabis in all forms for medical use!

Canada just legalized cannabis in all forms for medical use, which is great news for the parents that threat children with cannabis and everybody else as well.

For the last 10 years cannabis has been recognized as medical by the Supreme Court, but only allowed in its dry form. People have had to break the law to utilize cannabis in other ways than smoking/vaporizing it. Of course no parent will give their children a joint and have  been forced to break the law to give their children tinctures to manage their serious illnesses.  And all people with serious illnesses need to consume cannabis, not smoke it, to get a proper cannabis treatment. Now that is finally allowed.


Even thou the Canadian Supreme Court has ruled this, sadly the Health Minister Rona Ambrose says she is “outraged” by the Supreme Court of Canada decision that expands the definition of medical marijuana beyond dried leaves, to include cannabis oils, teas, brownies and other forms of the drug.

The fact that the Health Minister does not respect the ruling of the Supreme Court, is both horrible and interesting. It’s horrible that somebody in her position is not eager to be learning new things of interest regarding the health of the people. But it’s interesting and uplifting to see that the Canadian Supreme Court will not be bullied by politicians.

So this is a big step and we hope they set an example for more countries to follow.


Congratulations Canada!


Z-series on auction at Mr.Nice auction page!

We have been digging up some leftover from the Z-seed series and you can now get them at the Mr.Nice auction page!

These are seeds that was made as a part of creating stable genetics for CBD Crew. They are not stable genetics, but offer a wide range of variations like the Cannatonic & Dieseltonic seeds. From very high CBD and almost no THC to the complete opposite. So lab testing is advised.

If you want to bid, you can do it here:

Mr.Nice Auctions

Mango Haze private grow FB