We had the pleasure of meeting the nice people at PortalCannabis in Irun during the Expogrow expo 2015. Here is an interview with Line & Elisabeth sharing some information about the CBD Crew.. Here is the interview translated … Continued
Cannabis info all over the world!
Just during the last 12 hours, people form 52 countries have looked at our web page This is great for the cannabis movement, knowledge spreading near and far! Thanks to the internet, people can now get the information they are … Continued
CBD Crew represented at New West Summit, SF, 20-21.11.2015
Searching for CBD enriched cannabis
In the jungle of information out there, it can be difficult to select what information is suited best for you and your needs. While many companies now offer CBD enriched strains, not all inform of the stability of their … Continued
Back From Cannafest, Prauge!
Here is the first slide from our trip to Cannafest 2015! Had so much fun with our friends, partners and distributors, always nice to see them all!. We also had the pleasure to meat many great people at the … Continued
CBD Crew will be at the Cannafest Expo in Prague 6-8 of November 2015.
CBD Crew will be representing at the Cannafest in Prague this year as well! We will be sharing booth nr. 28 of Advanced Hydroponics of Holland and we are located right as you enter the fair, so you can’t miss … Continued
A growing problem, online cannabis oil scammers!
With all the new wonderful and inspiring information around cannabis and it’s healing properties, there is unfortunately a not so pleasant side effect. And that is the cannabis oil scammers. Ever since the healing properties of cannabis has come … Continued
CBD Crew represented at Southwest Cannabis Convention, Phoenix!
Harvest season is here, well at least here in Spain!
Outdoor season is coming to an end here in Spain now and many lovely plants are being cut and hang to dry. Here are a few pics from some CBD Skunk Haze plants that were just cut and hopefully will … Continued