Misunderstood Medicine, New Documentary from our friends in Ireland! Mighty Irish Seeds & Crew Preview Changes
Searching for CBD enriched cannabis
In the jungle of information out there, it can be difficult to select what information is suited best for you and your needs. While many companies now offer CBD enriched strains, not all inform of the stability of their … Continued
A short introduction to the The Endocannabinoid System
PTSD? Cannabis might be the solution
CBD Crew grow rapports form Trichome World!
The great crew at Trichome World are doing a great job test growing all kinds of strains and making online rapports. We are happy to see that the CBD Crew collection as been represented. Thanks for the good work Trichome … Continued
Tonight, the premiere of Project Storm, the documentary!
Tonight is the premiere of Project Storm, the documentary. We are very exited to finally be able to see the results, as we still don’t know what to expect. But we hope for the best! BudBuddiesUK, Jeff Ditchfield and his … Continued
Cannabis research on the rise!
Soon 2014 will be over and we have had one of the most productive years in cannabis legislation and cannabis information until now. We can only speculate what will happen the next few years as our knowledge grows, but we … Continued
Brave Mykayla turns 9 years old and has a message to the world!
A little video from Mykayla, who just turned 9 years old ans still in remission 🙂 The information she has spread and the journey of this young girl has been on, has spread a lot of hope to many … Continued
Cannabis rich in cannabidiol is helping children with their epilepsy.
In California many children are now legal medical cannabis patients, and a big group of these are dealing with heavy epileptic seizures. Cannabis seem to help these children more than their parents even hoped to dream of and giving them … Continued
Documentary: What if Cannabis Cured Cancer
The amount of knowledgeable documentaries out on the marked now about cannabis is very encouraging to see. By spreading information we can speed up the proses and break some of the myths that keep this plant still in the dark. … Continued