52 people sickened by fake CBD oil in Utah, that is not good news!

It’s sad to read when people don’t get the help they need form just weak cbd products, but when they even get sick, that is just horrible.

Getting good CBD products with a entourage effect ( not just only CBD, but more cannabinoides ) is very important for those willing to give CBD a try.  There is so many different qualities in oils these days, it can be hard to find a good one for your needs. That is why we often recommend making one your self, if you have the possibility. Then you know what goes into your oils. But as many can’t grow for themselves, we have some recommendations.  Always ask for cannabinoid profile, shown in % of CBD and other cannabinoids,  not just mg pr ml numbers. And you want the actual lab test, not just a fancy layout on a web page. Also ask if  it has a natural terpene profile, again a real lab test and if it’s organically grown. Any company should have this easily available for you, if they don’t, maybe look for another company.

Thou it’s important to remember, that if CBD products don’t work for you, a cannabis product with both CBD & THC might be what you need.

“In a report released Thursday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that synthetic products falsely labeled as cannabidiol, or CBD, sickened as many as 52 people from October through January.”


The CDC report this week found that more than half of the 52 possible cases either tested positive for a synthetic compound called 4-CCB or reporting using a product called Yolo CBD Oil, samples of which contained the synthetic instead of authentic CBD. Efforts to determine what company manufactures Yolo CBD Oil were not successful.”


Read the whole story HERE: 52 people sickened by fake CBD oil in Utah




Getting rid of bugs without using chemicals? Here are some ideas!

Need to get rid of bugs?


We always urge people to grow as organic as possible to get a clean healthy product, but sometimes bugs can force you to bring out the chemicals. So before it goes to far and the bugs are everywhere, maybe try something organic, cheap and homemade recipes before bringing out the heavy artillery. Also, when it comes to cannabis, you want to get your plant bug free before putting them on flowering, to be sure there is no bugs in those buds. As the flowers grow, you do not want to spray them with anything, especially not chemicals.

But you might have some great ingredients for a natural pesticide just sitting around at your home, just waiting to be tried out.

Here are some homemade ways to get rid of bugs, give them a try!



1. Neem

Ancient Indians highly revered neem oil as a powerful, all-natural plant for warding off pests. In fact, neem juice is the most powerful natural pesticide on the planet, holding over 50 natural insecticides. This extremely bitter tree leaf can be made in a spray form, or can be bought from a number of reputable companies.

To make your own neem oil spray, simply add 1/2 an ounce of high quality organic neem oil and ½ teaspoon of a mild organic liquid soap (f.eks Dr. Bronners Peppermint) to two quarts of warm water. Stir slowly. Add to a spray bottle and use immediately.


2. Salt Spray , Himalayan crystal salt

For treating plants infested with spider mites, mix 2 tablespoons of Himalayan Crystal Salt into one gallon of warm water and spray on infected areas.

3. Mineral oil

Mix 10-30 ml of high-grade oil with one liter of water. Stir and add to spray bottle. This organic pesticide works well for dehydrating insects and their eggs.


4. Citrus Oil and/or Cayenne Pepper Mix

This is another great organic pesticide that works well on ants. Simply, mix 10 drops of citrus essential oil with one teaspoon cayenne pepper and 1 cup of warm water. Shake well and spray in the affected areas.


5. Soap, Orange Citrus Oil & Water

To make this natural pesticide, simply mix 3 tablespoons of liquid Organic Castile soap with 1 ounce of Orange oil to one gallon of water. Shake well. This is an especially effective treatment against slugs and can be sprayed directly on ants and roaches.


6. Eucalyptus oil

A great natural pesticide for flies, bees and wasps. Simply sprinkle a few drops of eucalyptus oil where the insects are found. They will all be gone before you know it.


7. Onion and Garlic Spray

Mince one organic clove of garlic and one medium sized organic onion. Add to a quart of water. Wait one hour and then add one teaspoon of cayenne pepper and one tablespoon of liquid soap to the mix. This organic spray will hold its potency for one week if stored in the refrigerator.


8. Chrysanthemum Flower Tea

These flowers hold a powerful plant chemical component called pyrethrum. This substance invades the nervous system of insects rendering them immobile. You can make your own spray by boiling 100 grams of dried flowers into 1 liter of water. Boil dried flowers in water for twenty minutes. Strain, cool and place in a spray bottle. Can be stored for up to two months. You can also add some organic neem oil to enhance the effectiveness.

9. Tobacco Spray

Tobacco ( try using organic tobacco )

Just as tobacco is not good for humans, tobacco spray was once a commonly used pesticide for killing pests, caterpillars and aphids. To make, simply take one cup of organic tobacco (preferably a brand that is organic and all-natural) and mix it in one gallon of water. Allow the mixture to set overnight. After 24-hours, the mix should have a light brown color. If it is very dark, add more water. This mix can be used on most plants, with the exception of those in the solanaceous family (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, etc.)


10. Chile pepper / Diatomaceous Earth

Grind two handfuls of dry chiles into a fine powder and mix with 1 cup of Diatomaceous earth. Add to 2 liters of water and let set overnight. Shake well before applying.


– Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


The tips are form GlobalHealingCenter.com




If you have some easy recipes for making your own organic pesticides, or have any experiences with these methods, do let us know 🙂


World Health Organization ( WHO ) recognizing CBD as therapeutic.

World Health Organization ( WHO )  is recognizing the need for opening up to medical cannabis for patients and for all scientists.


We are exited to hear what the new report in May 2018 will conclude.


This report said:

Cannabidiol (CBD)


There is increased interest from Member States in the use of cannabis for medical indications including for palliative care. Responding to that interest and increase in use, WHO has in recent years gathered more robust scientific evidence on therapeutic use and side effects of cannabis and cannabis components.


To that end, the ECDD did an initial review of a cannabis compound called cannabidiol (CBD). Recent evidence from animal and human studies shows that its use could have some therapeutic value for seizures due to epilepsy and related conditions.


Current evidence also shows that cannabidiol is not likely to be abused or create dependence as for other cannabinoids (such as Tetra Hydro Cannabinol (THC), for instance). The ECDD therefore concluded that current information does not justify scheduling of cannabidiol and postponed a fuller review of cannabidiol preparations to May 2018, when the committee will undertake a comprehensive review of cannabis and cannabis related substances.



Read the whole story here:
WHO recommends the most stringent level of international control for synthetic opioid carfentanil


They are soon starting again, the 2017 Medical Cannabis Bike Tour!

In case you don’t know about this wonderful group of people, you need to know!


The 2017 Medical Cannabis Bike Tour


Who are they, why are they cycling around?

Every year they set out on an epic journey to cycle 420km through beautiful European scenery over 3 days.

They raise sponsorship money to fund independent clinical research by a team of scientists studying the medical qualities of cannabis.

The message is clear, cannabis studies should be done for the people, so that we can get public results. So much of cannabis studies are done in secrecy or by the pharmaceutical industry, with results that are not public for everybody to read.  Or just done looking for negative effects, not all the amazing positive effects we now  know cannabis has.

So the solution was, gather the money from the public and give directly to the best qualified scientist out there!

Many companies and people in the cannabis community has for several years now sponsored the bike rides. And we at CBD Crew have been proud sponsors the whole time. We have not gotten on a bike yet, but maybe in the future! Until then, we support the great people that join the beautiful ride!

Here is a clip from fist day last year, how nice does this look?  Are you a biker? Maybe join!



Next Medical Cannabis Bike Tour  starts 3rd of October, if you want to join or help sponsor, or just read up on  this great initiative, more info here!


Medical Cannabis Bike Tour 2017


Uruguay just started selling strains that has been created in collaboration with CBD Crew!

Yes, that is right. Last week two strains, that have been created in collaboration with Uruguayan government & CBD Crew, started being sold in the pharmacies in Uruguay. Alfa I and Beta I are their names. We hope they will be of help to many people!


Here is a story about it all! 

(  it’s in Spanish, but hopefully the translation will be done soon )


                          Jaime in Uruguay






The endocannabinoid system, why is it not common knowledge?

The endocannabinoid system( ECS), one of the very important systems in our body.

It was found in the late eighties buy researchers studying the effect of cannabis on the body, which led to the discovery of the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Yet we seem to know so little about it in general today 30 years later.

Does your doctor even know?  If not, why?


“Back in 2013, David B. Allen MD commissioned a survey in which all the medical schools in the US were asked whether they included the ECS within their syllabus. Only 13% were found to teach it in any way, with Dr. Allen declaring that “research and education of medical students involving the ECS is being intentionally restricted by politics.”

( source: The Cannapedia )


So it seems like for now, we have to educate ourselves and maybe our doctors as well on this issue.


Here you can read many stories on how the Endocannabinoid system works and what it helps regulate. Project CBD.


Studies show that not only do we benefit from adding cannabinoids to our body, but not doing so could also be damaging to the body itself.  As debated in this study:

Clinical endocannabinoid deficiency (CECD): can this concept explain therapeutic benefits of cannabis in migraine, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome and other treatment-resistant conditions?

Luckily now there is a lot of great information online about the ECS and here is some for you to look trough right now!




Online GrowDiaries!

If you want to share your grow experience with others, GrowDiaries is a very nice page to use.

We see somebody grew our CBD Skunk Haze and CBD Therapy and shared it here, thank you both so much!

We hope your plants have been of great help 🙂


If you choose to document your grow at GrowDairies or on another platform, do share it with us!


CBD Skunk Haze at Growdiaries.com




CBD Therapy at Growdiaries.com



Sad situation, scammers.

We all see the amazing stories of recovery with contact information to oil dealers, it’s all over the web. Unfortunately, they are all scammers.

They can be very convincing to speak to, but don’t be fooled. Cannabis is unfortunately illegal still in most places of the world, which makes it a great place for scammers to flourish.  With all the science backing up cannabis as a potential healer, more and more people are seeking to try it as a part of their treatments. Unfortunately, due to the law, that is not so easy for most people today. Many have no contact with the cannabis community and are searching desperately for a way to get a hold of cannabis. And we have spoken to people who have put their trust in these testimonials, sent them the money and when the oil does not arrive and they complain, the scammers threaten to give all their information to the police.

We have to spread awareness about this, the last thing you need when you are chronically ill and in a desperate situation, is to get scammed by somebody claiming to be a part of the cannabis community.  We need to get cannabis legal for people to grow, so they can grow their own or help somebody that they care for, without risking being persecuted by the law.

Time has come to make a change.